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BlazBlue Centralfiction Free Download (v2.00)

About BlazBlue Centralfiction (v2.00) PC Game

BlazBlue Centralfiction Free Download, combining 2D fighting game and visual novel, the BlazBlue series has been supported by many fighting game fans. The latest installation, BlazBlue: Centralfiction, serves as the ending to the Azure Saga and reveals the truth that has ever been in mystery.

BlazBlue Centralfiction Install-Game:

Each character can strengthen his/her unique ability for a specific period of time. When [Overdrive] is triggered, the Overdrive icon changes into a purple gauge. This gauge will decrease over time, and [Overdrive] will end when the gauge depletes. [Overdrive] lasts longer if your character’s health is low. During activation, the round timer also stops. After [Overdrive] has ended, the Overdrive icon will show a number counter. Overdrive can be used again when the number reaches 10. The number increases over time or damage taken, but during [Active Flow], it charges much faster. During activation, the round timer also stops. After [Overdrive] has ended, the Overdrive icon will show a number counter.

BlazBlue Centralfiction Free Download:

Overdrive can be used again when the number reaches 10. The number increases over time or damage taken, but during [Active Flow], it charges much faster. A powerful attack that can be used during [Overdrive] state. [Overdrive] state immediately ends upon usage. When activated during [Active Flow], the damage and effects are significantly boosted. Fighting aggressively and landing attacks, or using heat gauge etc. will trigger the [Active Flow] state. Enhances the attack power and shortens the [Overdrive] cool time etc. to make fighting conditions more favorable. All 28 fighters from BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend return in Central Fiction. This brings the total roster to 36 playable fighters. Characters introduced in Central Fiction include: Hibiki Kohaku: Kagura’s assistant. He is a member of a clan of assassins and was raised to serve Kagura.

Originally seen as a loyal servant, he is actually a disturbed person whose desire is to kill Kagura and become a truly emotionless killer. Naoto Kurogane: The main protagonist of Bloodedge Experience. He appears in Central Fiction due to Raquel sending him into the current timeline of BlazBlue where he died apparently to save their world.

BlazBlue Centralfiction System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1

  • Processor:

    Intel Core i5 / i7

  • Ram:

    8 GB

  • Storage:

    28 GB

  • Graphics Card:

    Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti

Game Details

Download Here  Game Size: 22.6 GB
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