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Creature Lab Free Download (v2.0.40 & ALL DLC)

About Creature Lab (v2.0.40 & ALL DLC) PC Game

Creature Lab Free Download PC Game in a pre-Installed Direct Link With Latest Updates and Multiplayer.

Creature Lab Free Download:

Here, you can outshine even the famous Frankenstein with your incredible mutants! Prove your genius once and for all and let nobody stop you. Creature Lab sets you on a difficult path of a genius, yet a bit wicked scientist with a very liberal approach to test subjects and official procedures. Establish your hideout and let the experiments commence! Conduct crazy experiments, mix mutagens, analyze their properties, grow DNA-based body parts, and attach them to your test subjects. So many possibilities… Prepare your laboratory, obtain basic reagents, and see what happens when you mix them together. Don’t forget to name all your recipes! Apply your mutagens to test subjects and observe how they react. SUPER PAPER MARIO

Creature Lab Free Steam pre-Installed:

Grow entirely new body parts and attach them to the creatures you just brought to life. Discover nearly limitless interactions between mutagens and body parts as you slowly assemble an army of mutants. There’s no use hoping for government funds so you’ll make do with anything you can find or even steal. Manage your inventory, expand your lab, and make sure your hideout is safe. Don’t let the panic guide you, the more stressed you are, the bigger chance Feds will drop by to say hello and check your spot! Don’t leave any traces, be patient and extremely careful! They will never even know what hit them! Running low on resources? Need more test subjects? Send your sick creatures into the city! Find whatever resources you need.

Creature Lab System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 10 - 64bit

  • Processor:

    Intel Core i3 3.7 GHz

  • Ram:

    8 GB

  • Graphics:

    NVidia GeForce GTX 1050Ti (4GB VRAM)

  • Storage:

    9 GB available space



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