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Democracy 3 Free Download (v1.34 & ALL DLC)

About Democracy 3 (v1.34 & ALL DLC) PC Game

Have you ever wanted to be president? or prime-minister? Convinced you could do a better job of running the country? Let’s face it, you could hardly do a worse job than our current political leaders. Crime, Unemployment, National Debt, Terrorism, Climate Change…

Democracy 3 Install-Game:

Democracy 3 simulates the motivations, loyalties and desires of everyone in the country. A custom-designed neural network is used to model individual voters, each which varying memberships of voting groups, political parties and pressure groups. Each voters income is modeled, along with their levels of complacency and cynicism. This is the most sophisticated political strategy game ever created. Despite being vastly detailed under-the-hood, Democracy 3 has a unique user interface that makes visualizing the connections between laws, policies, voters and situations easy. A simple iconic-based view of your countries issues allows you to ‘drill-down’ through all the relationships between policies and voters to quickly analyze the impacts of your decisions. Your trade policy may affect GDP, which will affect unemployment, which will effect poverty, and thus crime, leading to a change in tourism, which affects GDP. SimCity Societies Deluxe Edition

Democracy 3 Free Download:

Each individual voter is a mixture of a subset of the 21 different voter groups represented within the game. They might be a young, wealthy, liberal socialist commuter, or a retired conservative religious capitalist, for example. Not only this, but the extent to which they identify each of those groups is both variable, and can be affected by your policies in the long term. Convert your country to religion, or atheism, to capitalism, or socialism by careful and nuanced adjustment of your policies and laws over time. A ‘focus group’ feature lets you look at individual voters and see exactly how they came to a decision to vote for you (or not!). Democracy 3 is very configurable and trivial to mod. It also has steam workshop support, for easy installation and browsing of modded content.

Democracy 3 is the work of a single developer, Cliff Harris from the UK, an indie games veteran who has been making games since 1997 and programming since he was 11 years old. Cliff gets some ‘help’ from his cats, but frankly not much.

Democracy 3 System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows XP

  • Processor:

    2 gig

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Graphics:

    1 GB

Game Details

Download Here  Game Size: 100 MB
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