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Griftlands Free Download (v484799)

About Griftlands (v484799) PC Game

Griftlands is a deck-building roguelite where you negotiate, fight, steal or otherwise persuade others to get your way. Every decision is important, be it the jobs you take, the friends you make, or the cards you collect.

Griftlands Install-Game:

Griftlands is a deck-building rogue-like where you fight and negotiate your way through a broken-down sci-fi world. Every decision is important, be it the jobs you take, the friends you make, or the cards you collect. Death comes quickly, but each play offers new situations and strategies to explore. Play as Sal, Rook, or Smith. Three unique character campaigns with their own specialized decks, abilities and maps to explore. Sal is an adventurer out for profit and revenge. Rook is an aging spy working his own agenda. Smith is an idle loafer who might just save the world. Each playable character’s story takes place in a unique environment, with different factions and locations to explore and exploit. Darkest Dungeon II

Griftlands Free Download:

Each character has unique negotiation and combat decks to draft from. Get powerful item cards from fallen foes, or as rewards. Killing foes may incur the wrath of their friends, but sparing them leaves a dangerous piece on the board. Choose wisely, everyone remembers everything you do! Each playable character’s story takes place in a unique environment, with different factions and locations to explore and exploit. The world of Havaria is a harsh place, full of harsher denizens. Explore lush, hand-illustrated environments full of people who want to kill you. Each character has a factional allegiance and an opinion of you. Play politics between rivals, and try to capture the most powerful social boons. But watch out — doublecross the wrong person, and you’ll be subject to their bane! Overcome obstacles with the power of your fists – or your words. You’ll need to pick your cards and play them right if you’re going to survive.

Build two decks simultaneously, balancing the tradeoffs of each. Learn from each attempted run through the various stories of the Griftlands. Encounter different combinations of enemies, quests, and events every time you play. Your fate is determined by your choices, and by fate.

Griftlands System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 7 (64 bit)

  • Processor:

    Intel Dual Core

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Storage:

    7 GB

Game Details

Download Here  Game Size: 5.07 GB
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