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Hitman Blood Money Free Download

About Hitman Blood Money PC Game

Hitman Blood Money Free Download, Money Talks. Silence Pays. Prepare to Make a Killing. When assassins from Agent 47’s contract agency, The ICA, are eliminated in a series of hits, it seems a larger, more powerful agency has entered the fray. Sensing he may be a target, 47 travels to America, and prepares to make a killing.

Hitman Blood Money Install-Game:

In the game, 47 is given a set of objectives to complete. Most levels require the assassination of one or more people. However, how missions are completed is up to the player and there are almost always a variety of ways to complete missions. Instead of simply running and gunning through the mission, one can set traps, like poisoning a drink, to terminate the target in silence. Some missions have assassination possibilities unique to the level. State Of Decay

Hitman Blood Money Free Download:

The game relies heavily on the disguise system. 47 can find disguises or remove them from an incapacitated person in order to blend in with his surroundings, access restricted areas, to pass by security unnoticed (unless he’s too close to them) and wield weapons almost freely, depending on the disguise. This plays in with the “suspicion” system; a bar beside the health meter on the HUD represents how much suspicion 47 garners. There are multiple ways to blend in more effectively. 47’s cover can be blown if suspicion gets too high, and the disguise will no longer be of any use. It is possible to switch between multiple disguises throughout the level.

  • Customisable weapons: modify Agent 47’s custom weapons in a variety of ways including sound, recoil, rate of fire, damage, reload speed, accuracy and zoom.
  • New engine: the world of the assassin has never been so interactive or looked so good!
  • New gameplay techniques: including disarm, distraction, accidents, body disposal, human shield and decoy weapons.
  • New control and camera system: Agent 47 now moves independently of the camera.
  • New moves: Agent 47 can now climb, hide, scale ledges and automatically pass low obstacles.
  • Improved AI: guards will follow blood trails, investigate suspicious items and behavior. New pathfinder engine provides improved tracking and movement with realistic enemy behaviour and interaction.

Hitman Blood Money System Requirements

  • OS:

    Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / 7

  • Processor:

    Intel Dual Core

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Storage:

    5 GB

Game Details

Download Here  Game Size: 3.58 GB
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