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Making*Lovers Free Download v1.02

About Making*Lovers v1.02 PC Game

Making*Lovers A story about the way love can bloom after dating begins. The focus in Making*Lovers is on the things that come after a relationship’s beginning. With “start dating, then fall in love” as the concept, you will work towards the moment when love truly blooms.

Making*Lovers Install-Game:

Making Lovers puts you in the shoes of a freeter , that is to say a Japanese who does odd jobs to live without being subject to a company. This one is rather satisfied with his mundane lifestyle, but his parents are much less. Neither one nor two, they order him to go find a girlfriend. This introduction is also quite funny: the lines inside the hero’s family are hilarious, with the parents constantly victimizing themselves and the little sister Ako overprotective towards her brother. Picture Perfect

Making*Lovers Free Download:

The protagonist will then take advantage of proposals from his great friend Kakeru (a real killer, him) to do speed dating . After a short meeting (unsuccessful!) With a childhood friend, the player will have a number of seemingly innocuous choices (go to the bathroom or continue talking with the girl) but which in reality completely condition the rest of the story. ! For example “going to the bathroom” sends you directly to the Mashiro chapter, when the other answer advances to two more choices and so on. Making Lovers therefore has a choice tree that is both very clear and arouses curiosity. It’s pretty fun testing all of the choices to see what they turn out for, and it makes restarting the game comfortable enough to explore all of the endings and go straight to the platinum.

Making Lovers’ route structure is unusual in many respects. It almost completely lacks a common route, meaning most content is route-based. SMEE cut out allllll the fat. The ‘common route’ (as little as there is) will take you about ~30-60 minutes, and each route will clock you ~3-6 hours depending on how fast you read. Although I am typically a fan of larger, comedy-driven common routes, I found the VN’s route structure to be refreshing.

Making*Loversv1.02 System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 7

  • Processor:

    1.7 GHz

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Storage:

    5 GB

Game Details

Download Here  Game Size: 4.00 GB
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