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Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts Free Download (v1.7.0.0)

About Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts (v1.7.0.0) PC Game

Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts Free Download, Design warships the way you want them, command fleets, win the naval arms race for your nation!

Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts Install-Game:

Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts aims to be the first game of its kind – a true naval warfare game – which offers a unique opportunity to design and build countless variations of realistic looking warships combined with an extremely in-depth and realistic combat model. We are absolutely excited with what we are making and we hope everyone who is interested about the dreadnought era and naval warfare, will join our ambitious project and support us. Become the architect of powerful warships, from small torpedo boats to mighty Battleships! Recreate famous ships such as the HMS Dreadnought and countless speculative designs. Pick turret layout, armor scheme, funnel placement, tower variations making each ship look and feel unique. Their hull characteristics, internal upgrade selection and weight distribution not only modifies their speed and maneuverability but also their weapon effectiveness. I am an Air Traffic Controller 4

Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts Free Download:

The AI evaluates the optimal engagement distance, using principles of the “Immunity Zone” and comparing its own firepower versus your ships. The AI uses ammunition wisely, holding fire when necessary or switching shell types according to the armor protection of the target. Unless there is a special mission directive, the AI will not act suicidally and will attempt to withdraw, if its fleet becomes heavily damaged or it is much weaker than yours. The Custom Battle system allows you to experiment and enjoy naval battles utilizing endless combinations of ship designs in technology eras between the years 1890 and 1940 for ten different nations. Additionally, there is the “Naval Academy” which currently includes 56 battle scenarios, where you will have to design a ship or a squadron to fulfill a certain combat tactical task.

Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts System Requirements

  • OS:

    64-bit Windows 10

  • Processor:

    Intel Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Storage:

    8 GB

  • Graphics:

    Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060



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