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New Pokémon Snap Free Download (Yuzu)

About New Pokémon Snap (Yuzu) PC Game

Welcome to the Lental region, whose islands hold everything from dense jungles to vast deserts! New Pokémon Snap is an all-new game inspired by the 1999 Nintendo 64 game Pokémon Snap. This Nintendo Switch adventure will take you from island to island on an ecological survey, photographing Pokémon and building your own Pokémon Photodex.

New Pokémon Snap Install-Game:

In New Pokémon Snap, the player is a Pokémon photographer who visits various islands in the Lental region to help the research studies of Professor Mirror and his assistants Rita and Phil. For each research expedition, the player travels in an on-rails hovercraft, the NEO-ONE, to safely photograph Pokémon in their natural environments. These habitats include jungles, deserts and beaches, which can be visited during daytime or at night in order to photograph different types of Pokémon. Each photo the player takes is graded by Professor Mirror on a scale of one to four stars,taking into account things like shot composition, how close the Pokémon is, and whether they are facing the camera or not. Super Mario Maker 2

New Pokémon Snap Free Download:

What if instead of catching the Pokémon, you take a picture of them? Released in 2000 on Nintendo 64, Pokémon Snap has changed a lot and made way for a brand new edition, New Pokémon Snap, for Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite. Your goal: to explore magnificent environments with your camera as your only tool! Pokémon are everywhere, take a good look around you: a Roucool in the sky, a Flambino running, a Pikachu hidden in the thickets.

  • Explore the sublime Pokémon region of Lentis: jungles, deep forests or vast deserts, Lentis is full of surprises. Many wild Pokémon live there, flourishing in the middle of the natural and preserved spaces that make up this region. Play as a trainer and discover them!
  • Study the strange Lumina phenomenon: Pokémon and flora in Lentis sometimes emit a slight flicker. This phenomenon, called Lumina, is specific to the Lentis region. At the request of
  • Professor Miroir, conduct a real ecological study aboard the ultimate vehicle, the Neo One.
  • Using your gyroscope or joysticks, photograph as many Pokémon as possible in their natural habitats, in order to unlock the secret of the Lumina phenomenon.

New Pokémon Snap System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 10

  • Processor:

    Intel Core i5 or Better

  • Ram:

    8 GB

  • Storage:

    8 GB

  • Graphics Card:

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980

Game Details

Download Here  Game Size: 5.57 GB
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