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Wolfenstein Free Download (2009)

About Wolfenstein (2009) PC Game

Wolfenstein Free Download is the biggest game in the small series yet, by far. With over a dozen missions, there’s plenty to do during the main course of events. And that doesn’t even take into account the hundreds of collectibles to be found throughout the game’s various maps, from gold, to intel, to special occult-based items called Tomes of Power.

Wolfenstein Install-Game:

The story is set in the fictional town of Isenstadt during World War II, which the Nazis have enforced martial law in order to excavate rare Nachtsonne crystals necessary to access the “Black Sun” dimension. As the game progresses, happenings in Isenstadt become stranger. Locations include the town’s sewers, a tavern, a hospital, a farm, an underground mining facility, a church, the SS headquarters, a dig site and caverns, a cannery, a radio station, a paranormal base, a general’s home, a castle, an airfield and a large zeppelin. Wolfenstein The New Order

Wolfenstein Free Download:

Locations include the town’s sewers, a tavern, a hospital, a farm, an underground mining facility, a church, the SS headquarters, a dig site and caverns, a cannery, a radio station, a paranormal base, a general’s home, a castle, an airfield and a large zeppelin

There is also an entire arsenal of weapons to uncover and upgrade, and a vast multiplayer element to the game that will certainly require your full attention as well. Naturally, our guide covers all of this, and more, to ensure that you take down the Nazi regime once and for all in this unique take on World War II shooters.

Wolfenstein System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 7 / 8

  • Processor:

    Intel Core i3

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Storage:

    7 GB

  • Graphics Card:

    Nvidia GeForce GTX 550

Game Details

Download Here  Game Size: 5.49 GB
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