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Alisa Free Download (v2023.07.30)

About Alisa (v2023.07.30) PC Game

Alisa Free Download PC Game in a pre-Installed Direct Link With Latest Updates and Multiplayer.

Alisa Free Download:

Alisa is a classic late-90s style horror-themed action adventure game set in a fantasy universe inspired on the 1920s. You play as an Elite Royal Agent called Alisa. While she is chasing a wanted criminal, she ends up in an old Victorian mansion. She tries to find a way out while being haunted by materialized/mechanized doll-like humanoids. Can you survive the Dollhouse? Alisa is a survival horror retro throwback game created by indie developer Casper Croes, about an Elite Royal Agent named Alisa who with her partner chases down a thief who stole plans from the Emperor in an early 1920s fictional country inspired by France to a strange place in the woods, where she gets attacked and wakes up in a manor wearing only a doll dress. VENINETH

Alisa Free Steam pre-Installed:

The game originally started as a Kickstarter Project, hitting its goal plus a bit over. Having looked at the page, the dude clearly had a vision going in and with what he got he executed a game that’s well made (though it’s sad some of the other stretch goals didn’t get met, as I haven’t seen a Full High Res mode or an extra side story mission though there was added content such as new dresses, items, and such in the developer’s cut). The game, while made by mostly a single dev on paper, was also worked on with his girlfriend who voiced the main character and did other duties like the great soundtrack.

Alisa System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 10

  • Processor:

    Intel I3 or better

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Graphics:

    Intel HD graphics or better

  • DirectX:

    Version 10

  • Storage:

    800 MB available space



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