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Distraction Machine Free Download (BUILD 11436586)

About Distraction Machine (BUILD 11436586) PC Game

Distraction Machine Free Download PC Game in a pre-Installed Direct Link With Latest Updates and Multiplayer.

Distraction Machine Free Download:

Caught in the crossfire of warring cults in the midst of an undead apocalypse, a community of survivors perseveres through the power of music! Welcome to Island City, a bustling metropolis that’s fallen prey to feeders, undead hordes who feast on the living. Government and its military have been wiped out leaving survivors to fend for themselves. The Children of Arms carve out their territory, mowing down the living and undead alike. The Purified seek to rid the world of feeders and humanity itself through fire. The Marauders wreak havoc, taking what they want and partying ‘til the end of it all. And the Quartier is one of too few fortified communities forced to endure the chaos. But this microcosm is exhausted, depressed, overwhelmingly on the brink of collapse. DEADLY DELIVERY

Distraction Machine Free Steam pre-Installed:

Its survivors could use a distraction. You are The Distractor, the Pied Piper of the Undead, and the master of the Distraction Machine, a musical device cobbled together with bike parts & found objects that seems to control feeders. It also has the power to soothe, embolden or manipulate the living. The power and mystery of this machine can only be wielded by You. The apocalypse has destroyed the Old World. Survivors cling to hope, scavenging for supplies, and reclaiming territories full of resources. Each group survives in their own way resulting in turf wars with casualties swelling the feeders’ fetid ranks. Caught in the crossfire of warring cults, a community of survivors perseveres through the power of music.

Distraction Machine System Requirements

  • OS:

    Win 10

  • Storage:

    3 GB available space



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