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Easy Red 2 Free Download (Build 17565546 & ALL DLC)

About Easy Red 2 (Build 17565546 & ALL DLC) PC Game

Easy Red 2 is the game for who want to experience the immersion of huge battles of World War 2 in a realistic and simulative key. Fight your way through soldiers, tanks and explosions and learn how to survive in a battlefield with your squad.

Easy Red 2 Install-Game:

In this new version of Easy red we wrote everything from scratch to reach quality in game mechanics, and optimization to manage a new great looking design running even on low end machines. And we are taking you in Italy, from the shores of Anzio, to the bombed peaks of Montecassino, and in Japan in the middle of the Battle for Kwajalein. And we are ready to add more battles in the future. That’s what we want for Easy Red 2. We try to let the player feel all the emotions that soldiers live in the confusion and adrenaline of a battlefield. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

Easy Red 2 Free Download:

Participates in the landing of Anzio in January, 1944, and brings the front from the Italian coasts to the city of Cassino. No one can go to war alone; A good tactic require a good team work. So be the squad leader, or the medic, or maybe the radioman: You will always have a job to do inside your squad. We especially focused on creating sub-objectives that differs from main mission objectives. While the main objective of a team may be to have to conquer a specific area, a sub-objective could be assigned following the radio requests of a tank to clear its way from an anti-tank gun that has been sighted. So gameplay has radically improved in a more realistic and dynamic way. War machines have changed the war forever, and World War 2 proved that in an unequivocal way, so Prepare to jump in you Panzer 4, Sherman, M3 lee, or any tank that dominated the real battles fought in the game.

Easy Red 2 System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 10 64bit

  • Processor:

    Intel Core i3-2100

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Storage:

    6 GB

  • Graphics:

    NVDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti

Game Details

Download Here  Game Size: 9.17 GB
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