About Finish Report (v1.01) PC Game
Finish Report Free Download PC Game in a pre-Installed Direct Link With Latest Updates and Multiplayer.
Finish Report Free Download:
Finish Report is a science fiction dread-driven horror game from the one-man indie developer D4. You as a one-man investigation unit has to find out why did one of our space station with approximately 300 people go silent. You will need to use your shuttle’s computer to carry out different tasks in order to solve the mystery. In addition to your computer, a remote controlled rover will help you to navigate through the corridors of the space station. You can use this rover as a “communication bridge” to download the station’s log files once you find a terminal there. Your report will grow with each read log file. AN ANKOU
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You can finish your report at any time you wish, but would that be enough to find out what really happened there? In the far future mankind has already reached the stars for a long time. They build space ships, cities on different planets, space stations far in deep space. And yet, there is no sign of other lifeform apart from our own. A space station far in deep space, right on the perimeter of known space goes silent. Days becoming weeks, weeks becoming months and there is still no answer from them. Long range sensors indicate that the station is still there and looks intact but it is hard to tell from this far.
Finish Report System Requirements
- OS:
Windows 10 64bit
- Processor:
Intel i7 or AMD equivalent (AMD FX 9500+ Series)
- Ram:
16 GB
- Graphis:
NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD Radeon equivalent
- Storage:
5 GB available space