Graze Counter GM Free Download

About Graze Counter GM PC Game

Graze Counter GM Free Download PC Game in a pre-Installed Direct Link With Latest Updates and Multiplayer.

Graze Counter GM Free Download:

A refreshing and highly re-playable bullet hell style shooter that WANTS you to play dangerously! “Graze” past enemy bullets to charge your “Graze Counter”, then unleash it upon your enemies as a highly deadly attack! Ride the razor’s edge of life and death in this high-risk high-reward danger oriented arcade style shooting game. It is the 23rd century. EDEN, the massive virtual reality network witch helped humankind to flourish, suddenly severed all contact with the outside world…Leaving the minds of its 100 million users trapped inside. A covert special task force known as “Saviours” has been called in to address the situation. Using special attack programs modeled after fighter jets, they plan to delve into the deepest cores of EDEN and find who or what has set it haywire. THE BAD KIDS

Graze Counter GM Free Steam Pre-Installed:

There’s no telling what they may discover within the troubled space of this human created universe… Characters Uzuki Ginyose Male pilot of the [APRIL DIVIDER] attack program. He may look like a girl, but he’s dressed that way for specific combat reasons. Plus he doesn’t really mind how it feels either… Satsuki Furuyama Pilots the [FREEDOM DANCER] attack program. Male turned into a female as the result of an ill-fated human experiment. Uzuki’s best friend who always has his back. Hayate Katori Pilot of the [REVOLGEAR] program. A world renowned genius programmer in real life with a strong connection to EDEN. Kiriko Kirisame Pilot of the [KIRISAME BLADE] program and master of short range firepower. Yandere girl who is secretly in love with Uzuki.

Graze Counter GM System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 64bit

  • Processor:

    Intel Core2 Duo 2.0GHz or more

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Graphics:

    Integrated graphics chip

  • Storage:

    80 MB available space



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