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INCISION Free Download (v0.4.5.111)

About INCISION (v0.4.5.111) PC Game

INCISION Free Download PC Game in a pre-Installed direct link Dmg latest With All Updates and DLCs Multiplayer

INCISION Free Download (v0.4.5.111):

INCISION is a brutal, fast, merciless blast from the past inspired by the godfathers of the first person shooter genre such as Doom, Quake, Blood, Shadow Warrior. INCISION offers an experience that demands skill and focus from its player, and rewards them with intense carnage that will paint the town red. Yours is a simple job. Cut, shoot, burn and decimate it all to stop the spread of the Growth. Mercy is weakness. Hesitation is death. INCISION is designed to be merciless in its difficulty, but the player will never feel weak in the face of danger. Your arsenal is varied, powerful, loud, and will easily turn enemies into sticky red puddles, as long as they don’t first do it to you. Movement is fast and responsive; story never gets in the way of the gameplay.

INCISION Free Steam Pre-Installed:

Eight weapons of mass-slaughter, all including powerful alternative firing modes. Fire a volley of bouncing incendiary bombs out of your shotgun. Lob grenades from your heavy machine gun to turn your foes into red mist. Do tricks with your trusty revolver to maximize its damage output. Spray a volley of four incendiary rockets and watch even the strongest foe crumble into ashes before you. Go berserk with a saw-spear that works as a long-range slashing weapon or as a close-range buzzsaw. The world of INCISION has been transformed into a living nightmare where a ever-consuming, ever-growing mass of flesh and machine live in unholy symbiosis. All we hold familiar and comfortable has been turned into a network of hellish, rusty.

INCISION System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 7

  • Processor:

    X64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support

  • Graphics:

    DX10, DX11, and DX12-capable GPUs



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