About Knights of the Chalice 2 (v1.83) PC Game
Knights of the Chalice 2 Free Download PC Game in a pre-Installed Direct Link With Latest Updates and Multiplayer.
Knights of the Chalice 2 Free Download :
Knights of the Chalice 2 is a 2D RPG with turn-based combat for Windows and macOS. The game uses the OGL 3.5, the set of rules at the root of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, a role-playing game from Wizards of the Coast. Create a party of up to six adventurers and explore the village of Finchbury and the dangerous sewer complex that lurks beneath the town. You will be able to recruit eight new companions during the course of the adventure. The characters will soon find themselves caught up in deadly conflict with a powerful group of evil worshippers, the Circle of the Black Rose. Your epic struggle for survival and justice will culminate in the retaking of Gleegold Keep from the forces of evil. SOULVARS
Knights of the Chalice 2 Free Steam pre-Installed:
Turn-based, party-based tactical combat similar to that found in the RPG Dark Sun Shattered Lands made by SSI and in Troika’s Temple of Elemental Evil. Advanced emergent Artificial Intelligence. Enemies act as a group and support each other. They can use special actions like Grapple, Trip, Disarm, Sunder, Feint, Bull Rush, Ready Versus Spell or Swallow Whole and other tactics like taking a Five-Foot step before casting Maximised Fireball. They might use a Wind spell to dissipate the player’s Acid Fog. More than 700 Spells and Psionic Powers. The game also features 22 Classes, 10 Races, 36 Subraces, about 500 Feats, 41 Cleric Domains, 71 Weapon enchantments and 51 Armour and Shield enchantments.
Knights of the Chalice 2 System Requirements
- Storage:
2 GB available space