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Passageway of the Ancients Free Download

About Passageway of the Ancients PC Game

Passageway of the Ancients Steam Download For PC with Torrent Links. Visit Nexus-Games for online multiplayer games and gameplay with latest updates full version – Free Steam Games Giveaway.

Passageway Games is a four-person studio in Abilene, Texas that was founded in 2014 by septuagenarians Jon Grierson and John Hendrick – who first worked together 30 years ago on a medical device project. During that project, Hendrick was impressed with Grierson’s work ethic, creativity, and technical skills. Leveraging his 50-year history with RPGs, Grierson approached Hendrick with the idea of working together again – this time, on an indie game! Eden Crafters

About Passageway of the Ancients
Inspired by classic CRPGs from the ‘90s and a few from the early 2000s, Passageway of the Ancients will transport you to the world of Aieryon – the galaxy’s sole remaining magical planet – where you’ll explore the city of Ithgar to solve an unspeakable crime.

Passageway of the Ancients Gameplay

Get Free Steam Passageway of the Ancients Preinstalled

Beset with grief, you’ll be tasked with surviving deadly creatures lurking behind every door while gathering clues, managing your party, and leveling up your character. You also must pick locks and solve Runic puzzles to gather the best loot.

Story & Gameplay
Combat is tough, complex, and always surprising. Passageway of the Ancients employs both turn-based and real-time combat – taking inspiration from historical weapons and tactics. Furthermore, you’ll have dual personas to deal with – a hidden “Dragonkindt,” and a public-facing race of your choosing (Dwarf, Elf, Human) – which must be leveled up at the same time.

Passageway of the Ancients Preinstalled

How to Download & Install Passageway of the Ancients PC

  1. Click the Download button below and you should be redirected to a Download Page, Datanode, Qiwi, GoFile, PixelDrain.
  2. Wait 5 seconds and click on the blue ‘download now’ button in DataNode. Now let the download begin and wait for it to finish.
  3. After Passageway of the Ancients is done downloading, right click the .zip/.rar file and click on “Extract to Passageway of the Ancients” (You must have Winrar/winZip installed on your PC).
  4. Now open the extracted folder of Passageway of the Ancients and launch the game by running the .exe of the game.
  5. Have fun and play! Make sure to run the game as administrator and if you get any missing dll errors, look for a Redist or _CommonRedist folder and install all the programs in the folder.

Passageway of the Ancients System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 10 or Newer

  • Processor:

    Intel Core i7-8700 / AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

  • RAM:

    16 GB

  • Graphics:

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 / AMD Radeon RX 5700

  • Storage:

    20 GB

Game Details

Download Here  Game Size: 11.4 GB Download Here  GoFile Link Download Here  TRNT
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