About Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate (v1.515f) PC Game
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate Free Download, chess, but you replace your entire army with a royal shotgun. A unique strategy roguelike based on the timeless checkboard classic.
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate Install-Game:
Chess, but all your army has gone over to the white side, leaving you with nothing but your royal shotgun and your wounded pride. Carried by your dark folly, you decide it’s time to teach those white pieces to fear the Shotgun King. Every turn, you may either move your king or shoot at enemy pieces, after what you’ll need to move again to reload your shotgun. Avoid checkmate and kill the enemy king to complete the floor. After each floor, you may choose between two random combinations of one upgrade for you and one upgrade for the other side. Choose wisely and keep on winning floors and you just may get your kingdom back. Runs may take ~20 minutes to complete. The game features 5 difficulties, plus an endless mode! Shotgun King seems deceptively simple and silly on the surface: take the king from the so-called game of kings and replace his armies with a boomstick. Taiko Risshiden V DX
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate Free Download:
The funny premise belies a supremely addictive turn-based roguelike, one of the best to come around in a while. The chessboard’s black king has managed to alienate every piece in his army, driving them to switch sides. With no other option, he picks up a Royal Shotgun and swears bloody revenge on the white king and his turncoat subjects. Every stage features a chess board with increasingly difficult layouts of enemy pieces for the king to navigate, with an end goal of, what else, eliminating the opposing king. The player’s king can move one space in every direction each turn or take aim with his trusty shotgun. Avoid checkmate and kill the enemy king to complete the floor. After each floor, you may choose between two random combinations of one upgrade for you and one upgrade for the other side. Choose wisely and keep on winning floors and you just may get your kingdom back. Runs may take ~20 minutes to complete. The game features 5 difficulties, plus an endless mode!
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate System Requirements
- OS:
Windows 7
- Processor:
yes, you should have one
- Ram:
4 GB
- Storage:
100 MB