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The Two Moons Free Download (v1.01)

About The Two Moons (v1.01) PC Game

The Two Moons Free Download PC Game in a pre-Installed Direct Link With Latest Updates and Multiplayer.

The Two Moons Free Download:

The RPG that’s so bad, the main character wants nothing to do with it! The Two Moons is the epitome of “what not to do when making an RPG Maker game.” It features an unoriginal storyline, poorly fleshed out characters, stock graphics, boring maps, assets recycled from other abandoned projects, next to no instructions for the player, and way too many fetch quests! But there’s a twist: Benjamin, the main character, is aware that he’s in a video game, and he’s aware that the video game he’s in sucks. LANDS OF SHINOAH

The Two Moons Free Steam pre-Installed:

But due to an unfortunate series of infinite-loop Yes/No choices where No is not really an option, Benjamin is forced into agreeing to be the main character of the game despite his objections. Along the way, he is joined by Anthony, his best friend who is obsessed with the strategy guide of the game that they are currently characters of, and Carol, the not-so-secret game developer self-inserted into the story, and things really start to go off the rails.


  • 2 story routes to play with their own unique endings
  • 3 additional hidden endings and many other easter eggs to discover, including entire other games hidden within this game
  • Backseat Developer Crystals– these allow me to tell you where to go from over your shoulder just like your friend does when they force you to play their crappy RPG maker game
  • Full voice acting with all characters voiced by the same person
  • A mostly original soundtrack with music made by Eric Francis

The Two Moons System Requirements

  • OS:

    Microsoft Windows® 8.1/10 (64bit)

  • Processor:

    Intel Core i3-4340 or better

  • Ram:

    8 GB

  • Graphics:

    Compatible OpenGL / VRAM 1GB or better

  • Storage:

    1 GB available space



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