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The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series Free Download

About The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series PC Game

The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series Free Download contains all 4 Seasons, 400 Days, and The Walking Dead: Michonne, which includes over 50 hours of gameplay across 23 unique episodes.

The Walking Dead The Telltale Series Install-Game:

Play the series that revolutionized storytelling in games. The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series includes 4 seasons, 400 days of DLC and The Walking Dead Michonne. Find out the full story of the young survivor Clementine and watch how she goes from being a scared young girl to being a capable survivor. Outlast Whistleblower

The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series Free Download:

As a ray of hope in a world of gloom, Clementine is accompanied by many protectors and masters numerous threats. She learns to fight back in an apocalyptic world where the weak are crushed and the cruel are rewarded. Always in the role of the disadvantaged, Clementine has to be smarter and stronger-willed than her opponents, she has to become one of the toughest survivors despite her petite appearance. It’s entirely up to you how trusting Clementine is, who she loves, who she hurts, and who she protects – in a world where not everyone can be saved. With improved graphics and behind-the-scenes features, this is the ultimate way to join Clementine on her way and find out how the story will end.

  • Graphical Enhancements: “Graphic Black” art style brings Season 4’s enhanced visual style to all previous seasons of the acclaimed series. Will also include full dynamic lighting to episodes that previously did not receive this upgrade.
  • Behind the Scenes Bonuses: Exclusive looks at the making of the game from the developers, VO artists, and other team members that brought Clementine’s story to life. This includes over 10+ hours of developer commentary and “Return of the Walking Dead” documentary short.
  • Gameplay Improvements: Character performances, lip syncing, and other gameplay and UI enhancements make this the definitive Telltale’s The Walking Dead experience.
  • Even more digital bonuses: Music player that includes 40+ tracks across all seasons, art gallery, 3D model viewer with playable voice lines, and new 3D front end that still includes the original menus and music from all past seasons.

The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 7 64Bit Service Pack 1 or Newer

  • Processor:

    Intel Core i5-2500K

  • Ram:

    8 GB

  • Storage:

    48 GB

  • Graphics Card:

    Nvidia GeForce GTX 960



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