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Webbed Free Download (v1.04b)

About Webbed (v1.04b) PC Game

Webbed Free Download, swing through the trees, spin sticky webs, and make friends with bugs! Be the adorable spider you’ve always wanted to be. 2

Webbed Install-Game:

Webbed is a 2D platformer that sticks players into a nostalgic arcade-like garden universe. You’ll take on the role of a spider and achieve your in-game objectives with traditional platform mechanics. Is there anything really appealing about playing a game about a spider traveling through your backyard? Turns out, there’s more than meets the eye! Explore the dangerous wilderness with nothing but your webs and your wits. Practise the art of web swinging to speed your way through the world! Leave your own unique mark by spinning webs through the interconnected world. Stick webs to almost anything and use them to create your own paths. Make friends with bugs, and dance with them. Some bugs could use a little help from a friend and might even join your rescue effort in return! The pixelated visuals deliver an elementary sense of gameplay. Touhou Luna Nights

Webbed Free Download:

You’re very agile and you can either use your webbing for some Spider-Man style web-swinging or you can use it to create permanent webs that stretch across spaces – allowing you to walk along them and even catch some food. The current build of Webbed features a large open woodland area to explore, with some friends to meet, some flies to eat and a couple of side-quests to complete. It doesn’t take too long to play through, but it’s an absolute delight, thanks largely to the character animation and how fun it is to control your cute little spider. Perhaps the game won’t appeal to everyone, though, as it still is a more casual approach to the common node of challenge. Webbed is not excessively difficult, but it’s clear that it’s not aiming towards that player base. It wants to tell a story, be a little wholesome, and entertain its players from start to finish.

Webbed System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 10

  • Processor:

    Intel Core 2 Duo E8400

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Storage :

    1 GB

Game Details

Download Here  Game Size: 147 MB
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