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Whackerball Free Download (v1.30)

About Whackerball (v1.30) PC Game

Whackerball Free Download PC Game in a pre-Installed Direct Link With Latest Updates and Multiplayer.

Whackerball Free Download:

The game is played on a large, circular playing field with a raised platform in the center and two goals on opposite sides. The objective of the game is to score points by hitting a large, inflated ball into the opposing team’s goal using any part of your body except for your arms and hands. In Whackerball, two teams of six players each face off against each other, with the aim of outmaneuvering and outscoring their opponents. The ball is placed in the center of the field at the beginning of each round, and players race to get to it first. The ball can be passed between teammates, bounced off walls, and even kicked into the air in an attempt to score. However, the catch is that players can also be “whacked out” by being hit by the ball, forcing them to sit out for a short period of time TARGETS

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The raised platform in the center of the field adds an extra level of difficulty, as players must navigate around it and use it to their advantage in order to score. The game is also played at a high speed, making it a thrilling experience for both players and spectators. Whackerball is a unique and exciting sports game that offers a fun and engaging challenge for players of all skill levels. The combination of physical skill and strategic thinking makes it a thrilling experience that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Game Details

  • Genre
  • Release Date
    January 30, 2023
  • Platforms
Download Here  Game Size: 103 MB Download Here  GoFile Link
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