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Fighting It Free Download [Ivy-v1] [ef_it]

About Fighting It [Ivy-v1] [ef_it] PC Game

Fighting It Free Download, You are taking a role of young man that after years of hardship determined to build better future for himself and his little family.

Fighting It [Ivy-v1] [ef_it]:

She has 2 main stats: Her mood(from bad to good) and relationship with protag (from Hate to Love). Different combinations of values of this stats will lead to her doing different things on her “freetime”, doing or ignoring her “chores”, reacting differently on interaction with protag, being in mood for sexytime at . Depending of what she is doing during the day by herself, mood will change positively(read a book,etc) or negatively(working, cleaning) a little bit. Mood changes also if protag interact with her(talk, help, join,etc.), during some events(fired, and stays unemployed,etc) and few different conditions. METROID: SAMUS RETURNS

Fighting It Free Download:

(if protag don’t cut grass, fix, etc) and if value of mood change is positive/negative and she attributes this change to protag actions, relationship will change positively/negatively at the end of a day. But those two stats don’t really influence progression with Abby. For this purpose there is her special stat: respect. When it becomes high enough, she “will begin to look differently” on protag. But progression will start when protag become charming (high enough charisma, right now [Abby-v1] charm is set high at the start without any cheats(need more characters for system)) and muscular. During the interaction (talk, help, join, etc.), if protag muscular/charming, she will notice it and at the end of the day will be progression .

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