Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy Free Download (v1.7)

About Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy (v1.7) PC Game

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a punishing climbing game, a homage to Jazzuo’s 2002 B-Game classic ‘Sexy Hiking‘. You move the hammer with the mouse, and that’s all there is. With practice, you’ll be able to jump, swing, climb and fly. Great mysteries and a wonderful reward await the master hikers who reach the top of the mountain.

Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy Install-Game:

Getting Over It revolves around a man by the name of Diogenes – who, somewhat true to his namesake, resides in a large metal cauldron – and wields a Yosemite hammer, which he can use to grip objects and move himself. Using the mouse or trackpad, the player tries to move the man’s upper body and sledge hammer in order to climb a steep mountain. The game is accompanied by voice-over commentary by Bennett Foddy discussing various philosophical topics. The commentary also provides quotations relating to disappointment and perseverance when significant progress is lost by the player. Kingdom Two Crowns

Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy Free Download

As the player progress up the mountain, they are at a constant risk of losing some or all of their progress; there are no checkpoints. The game concludes when a player reaches the highest point of the map and then enters space. Upon reaching the conclusion, a message asks players if they are recording the gameplay. When a player indicates they are not, the game provides access to a chatroom populated by other players who have completed the game. To quote Jazzuo himself: “The hiking action is very similar to way you would do it in real life, remember that and you will do well”.

  • Climb up an enormous mountain with nothing but a hammer and a pot.
  • Listen as I make philosophical observations about the problem at hand.
  • Between 2 and hours of agonizing gameplay, depending. The median time to finish for my playtesters was 5 hours, but the mean was closer to ∞.
  • Lose all your progress, over and over.
  • Feel new types of frustration you didn’t know you were capable of.
  • Magical reward awaits hikers who reach the top.

Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 10

  • Processor:

    Intel Dual Core

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Storage:

    1.50 GB



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