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SuperPowered Free Download [v0.45.02]

About SuperPowered [v0.45.02] PC Game

SuperPowered Free Download, is a RPG game made with Ren’py. In the game, you play as Billy, a young man still living with his mom. At the very beginning of the game, Maggie (his mother) buys Billy his first superpower. Because money is tight, he doesn’t have much of a choice, she’s getting him X-ray vision.

SuperPowered [v0.45.02] [Night City]:

Before the process begin, the nurse who’s gonna give him the shot has to test him to see if he’s compatible. As it turns out, he is but there’s something else. Unlike most people, who can only receive a very limited number of those shots, Billy seems to have the uncanny ability to absorb an unlimited amount of them. Thanks to this, he could become the most powerful of them all but in order to achieve this level of power, he must be careful. In a world where almost everyone can buy powers, anyone could be a potential threat.​

SuperPowered Free Download:

In Cloud City, you are going to maintains the Wartune movement, fighting the abyss monsters to protect the world from chaos. Don’t be nervous! With protection of Dinah, Priestess of Light, you will have the power to absorb the chord, incorporate those forces without kings into your own ones, and make contract with and train apotheosis of Sylphs. You can improve yourself in a series of RPG adventures including instances battles, wild fighting, occupation and plunder. At the same time, you can run your own ligeance and castles and ally yourself with other players in the world who attack the Chaos. All of you are going to cooperate to protect the world from the control and destroy of Redoga Drake and bring the brightness back to Cloud City……

SuperPowered[v0.45.02] System Requirements

  • OS:

    Windows 10

  • Procesor:

    Intel Core i3

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Storage:

    6+ GB



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