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How To Get Free Games From NexusGames

NexusGames is one of the central hub to get games for all platforms whether its PC or console. Users might ask is getting games from NexusGames that easy?. Well to put it in simple words, we provide games with a single click, one do not have to through long steps to get small games, rather it is quite simple as we have documented guides written on how to get free games at NexusGames.to. Free Pre-installed Games

Lets Get Started:

The very first thing we want you to do is to go through our FAQ page, so that you might already have an answer for your question. Now getting free pre-installed games is quite simple and to be honest very easy, to put into steps and make it easier for you guys, following are the steps,

  • Head over to our search page
  • Look for any game that you want
  • Click on the game poster
  • Click on the green button in the sidebar
  • Now you will be taken to another page (Ignore the adds that might open)
  • This is your final destination, just click on the button and voila

Isn’t this quite easy?, If no we can still help, you can either continue reading the guide below with detailed explaination on every step and following the screenshots or you can simply join our Discord server and ask a moderator for some help.

Searching Or Finding Your Desired Free Game:

We know you just how to get you to the perfect spot to look for your desired games. We at NexusGames have made a dedicated page with some filters to help you find your desired game or game-category that you might be looking for. Simply open our A-Z Game and use the search bar and filters to find a free pre-installed game. Lets have a look at the screenshot of how the Search page works. Best Websites To Download Paid PC Games For Free

Search Method Screenshot NexusGames.to

Search Page And Its Different Filters

As you can see, in the search page you have quite alot of filters, if you are not looking for a specific game, you can use those filters to find games of your taste. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a specific game and you know the name of that pre-installed free game, just simply type the name and hit search button. As soon as you search for a game, the search results will be displayed and then just simply click on the game poster which will take you to the actual game page. Now if your desired free pre-installed game isn’t displayed, don’t panic, We might not have posted the game yet, but you can simply request it and we will upload it as soon as possible.

Game Page Step:

Once you have found the game you want to get and have searched it, when you click on the game poster, you will be taken to the actual game page, where you are presented with alot of different information about the game. Such as, System Requirements, Developers, Publishers, Game Version, Game Size etc. You can review all of that supporting information if you wish to. To get the game is easier than you might have thought of. At the right sidebar on the top, you will find a large green button and that’s what you are looking for. Simply smash the button and you are on the final step to get your game. Remember some ads might open which you can simply ignore and close.

Post Page Game Information Screenshot

Game Page Information

Final Step:

Weren’t the first two steps easy?. The last and final step to get free pre-installed games from NexusGames is even easier. As soon as you click on the big hulk green button, you will be redirected to another page, which is the final step to get your free copy of game. At this page all you have to do is to simply click the large green button once again and your game should start downloading automatically.

DataNode Download


As promised, NexusGames provides the most updated pre-installed games with all latest updates and DLCs. All of these steps were very easy, icing on cake, we provide the best download speeds and check files for corruption or bugs and fix them before arching. We hope we have covered everything in this section, if you feel we have missed anything, please feel free to drop a comment, we are always ready to help.

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